Single Iron Management

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For the sake of the land!

We often discuss business strategy, the environment and ranching/farming. But I’d like to take this moment and discuss land stewardship. Land stewardship encompasses the three items I mentioned previously. All too often farmers, ranchers, loggers and other industries that depend on our natural resources are the scapegoats for environmentalists. They are pushed off of the public lands because of misinformed policy makers. People get emotionally caught up in topics regarding the environment and often forget to address the statistics and facts.

Unfortunately in today’s world, the partisan people have is a major contributing factor. It is difficult to discuss issues with others when both parties are not willing to listen to learn but instead they listen to respond or refute. If we could just take a minute or two and be respectful to both sides of the table, I think we would agree on the importance of land stewardship. Yes, you may have your radical outliers who live with their head in the sand on both sides, but a majority of people are reasonable, at least we hope so. So, how have we become so one-sided on major issues. Obviously, we see it in politics and unfortunately these politicians are the ones making policies to govern our country and citizens.

With that being said, before you blame the good people working the land for unfavorable environmental outcomes, do a little research into the topic from multiple, non-biased sources and study the numbers and the facts. You might be surprised or reassured to see the overwhelming evidence that supports these industries are vital for proper land management and sustainability with the ecosystem.